Management of Diabetes After Bariatric Surgery

Effective Management of Diabetes Through Bariatric Surgery

Obesity has become the principal cause of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus these days. Excessive fat deposition leads to insulin resistance, which results in metabolic syndrome. There are various ways to treat type 2 diabetes including lifestyle modification, weight reduction, and drugs including insulin. All these conventional methods have proved to be inefficient in achieving long-term results, highlighting the need for effective management of diabetes.

Surgery has evolved as the most efficient alternative to conventional treatment and results in sustained weight loss and remission or resolution of type 2 Diabetes.

Bariatric and metabolic surgery changes the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract in a beneficial way, this alteration increases good hormones. After bariatric surgery, there is an augmented release of hormones like GLP-1 and PYY from the small intestine that leads to improvement in high blood sugar levels.

Since bariatric surgery is a highly efficient tool to reduce the blood sugar levels in an obese diabetic patient, there is a need for adjustment of anti-diabetes medicines in these patients post-surgery.

Moreover, there is decreased calorie intake after bariatric surgery for which dose adjustments of the anti-diabetes medicines are needed.

The post-operative diet schedule includes:

  1. Phases 1 and 2 are of clear liquids to a full liquid diet for 2 weeks. At this stage, the calorie intake is about 600 to 800 kcal/day.
  2. Phase 3 is of pureed diet.
  3. Phase 4 consists of a soft to normal diet and the calorie intake is about 1200 to 1500 kcal/day.

Before surgery, patients are usually switched over to intravenous insulin, and blood glucose is monitored at regular intervals.

Similarly in the postoperative period, blood sugar is again maintained on intravenous insulin. On discharge, the patient is shifted to tablets along with long-acting insulin in most of cases for an initial few days.

The patient is taught to measure and chart blood sugar twice daily or in a few cases thrice daily and the doses are adjusted accordingly. Subsequently, as patients lose weight, there is a further decrease in the requirement for drugs. Most of the time, almost all of the drugs are withdrawn to avoid any hypoglycemic episode. It is advised to maintain a blood sugar level between 120 to 150 mg %. Remission of diabetes is seen in close to 80% of patients who do not need any treatment. There is a continuous need for follow-up with at least 3 monthly HbA1c levels.

In patients with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, withdrawal of drugs may precipitate ketoacidosis in the early postoperative period. These patients are monitored carefully for symptoms and signs of diabetic ketoacidosis.

General guidelines:

To Monitor blood glucose at least twice a day with the aim of maintaining it between 110-180mg/dl.

Tab Metformin is started on day 1 of surgery. The long-acting insulin doses are reduced by 50%.

  • Signs and symptoms of stress hyperglycemia include frequent urination, increased thirst, blurred vision, fatigue, headache or ketoacidosis which includes fruity-smelling breath, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, dry mouth, weakness, confusion, coma, abdominal pain, etc. They must be addressed carefully and must be monitored by watching blood gases as well as urinary ketones.
  • Patients must be educated about signs and symptoms arising from hypoglycemic episodes (Blood sugar less than 70 mg%) like shakiness, dizziness, sweating, hunger, irritability or moodiness, anxiety or nervousness, and headache.
  • During such episodes, the patient must take 15-200 ml of fruit juice or milk if on a liquid diet. And if on solids, any sweet candy. Similarly patient can take curd or yoghurt if on a pureed diet.
  • Such people must take adequate protein to avoid episodes of hyper or hypoglycemia.

Looking for diabetes surgery in Delhi? Schedule an appointment with us at Smart Cliniqs.

How Does Bariatric Surgery Reverse Diabetes?

How Bariatric Surgery Can Reverse Diabetes and Improve Overall Health

Obesity is the root cause of diverse diseases such as Asthma, sleep apnea, cardiovascular problems, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, joint pains and most important some forms of cancers.

Obesity increases insulin resistance in the body leading to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and also results in Metabolic Syndrome.

There are various ways to deal with these problems which include changes in lifestyle and modification in the eating habits and use of certain drugs. But almost all of the studies conducted have come to the conclusion that these therapies are not effective in providing sustained weight loss. Bariatric surgery has been the most effective treatment option till date which results in effective and sustained weight loss along with resolution of the other problems associated with obesity.

There are various bariatric and metabolic surgical procedures available which can be done by Laparoscopic Techniques as well as with Robotic assistance. They include Sleeve gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, Mini Gastric Bypass, Ileal Interposition, Duodeno-Jejunal Bypass, and so on.

Mechanism of resolution of Diabetes Mellitus:

The intestine is now considered as a metabolic organ and this new insight can be utilized for the treatment of Diabetes. Bariatric and metabolic surgery leads to changes in the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract resulting in the treatment of obesity and diabetes mellitus.

Reason Behind How Bariatric Surgery Reverse Diabetes?

The quick lowering of blood sugar after bariatric surgery is due to hormonal changes after re-routing of the small intestine and not purely do the restriction of the calorie intake. It has been proposed and proved that after bariatric surgery there is an augmented release of certain hormones like GLP-1 and PYY from the small intestine that leads to improvement in the high blood sugar levels. These hormones not only decrease the cellular resistance to insulin, they also increase the efficiency of insulin. There is also decreased production of glucose from the liver due to their effects.

After surgery, long-term follow-up for the best results is a must. It’s a complete lifestyle change. One must follow instructions carefully for optimum results.There are absolute guidelines decided by the international diabetes federation for the selection of patients who can be benefitted from surgery.

These surgeries must be done at the best bariatric and metabolic surgical centers doing these surgeries routinely and under expert care and experienced hands. Although hospital stay remains from 2 to 3 days, a strict and regular follow-up is a must.

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 – The Permanent solution

Addressing the Growing Emergency of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: The Role of Metabolic Surgery

With the increase in obesity during the last few years all over the world, type 2 diabetes mellitus has emerged as one of the largest emergencies related to obesity.

There are various treatment options for type 2 diabetes starting from lifestyle and dietary modifications to various drug schedules including insulin therapy.

The Rise of Metabolic Surgery

These days, metabolic surgery has emerged and is accepted as a new step in the therapeutic regimen for T2DM when lifestyle modifications and drugs don’t give the required sugar control.

Metabolic surgery involves food re-routing through modifications of the gastrointestinal tract by laparoscopic or Robotic approach, it is safe and effective for the treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2. Metabolic surgery is being considered as the only permanent solution for diabetes these days.

Not only Diabetes, this surgery has also been seen to reduce other cardiovascular risk factors (cholesterol and blood pressure) when compared with medical treatment.

The Importance of Cardiovascular Health

According to WHO high blood pressure and tobacco use are the greatest cause of premature deaths; therefore, it becomes more important to focus on preventing cardiovascular complications related to high blood glucose and cholesterol.

Evidence from Global Studies

Several studies done all over the world have demonstrated that metabolic surgical procedures improve blood glucose levels independently of weight loss and also have a positive impact on blood cholesterol and blood pressure, with a very good long-term effect on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

Gastrointestinal surgery for the specific intention to treat T2DM was first recommended at the 2007 Diabetes Surgery Summit.

Guidelines for Metabolic Surgery and Their Implications

After going through various studies, the American Diabetes Association has recommended and formed certain guidelines on metabolic surgery for adult patients with type 2 diabetes.

They have expanded the indications for metabolic surgery to include patients with inadequately controlled type 2 diabetes who have a BMI as low as 30 kg/m2 (27.5 kg/m2 in Asians).

With the present guidelines, metabolic surgery is considered a permanent solution for type 2 diabetes and metabolic disease.

Surgery Options for Non-Obese Patients

Not only in the obese, the need for control of diabetes in non-obese patients led to the development of Ileal Interposition surgery or Duodenojejunal bypass surgery. These can be performed in thin type 2 diabetics with BMI as low as 27.5 kg/m2 as well as those who had undergone supervised treatment schedules but still have poorly controlled disease.

However, these surgeries must be performed in specialized centers and in expert hands where these procedures are being performed regularly with long follow-up schedules.

Looking for diabetes surgery in India? Consult Prof. (Dr.) Atul N.C Peters at Smart Cliniqs for the metabolic treatment of diabetes in India.

Obesity and Cancer

Understanding the Connection Between Obesity and Cancer

For us the word cancer evokes panic and fear of imminent death, whenever someone close is diagnosed with cancer we are shocked. All cancers though are not the same; a great majority can be cured when caught early. And then there are types associated with predisposing medical conditions. We normally picture cancer patients as thin, worn out, barely able to eat, in pain, and a state of constant dread. This may be true to a large extent. However many recently diagnosed cancer patients are overweight and even obese.

Obesity as a Major Risk Factor

You will be surprised to know that obesity is a major risk factor for many cancers, so much so that it is considered to be second only to smoking, the most common one. Here are a few well-known facts, for example, obesity in women increases the risk of Breast cancer fourfold, uterine and ovarian cancer 5 fold, obese men and women are much more prone to cancers of the esophagus, colon, gall bladder, and thyroid, and many more.

Challenges in Diagnosing Cancer in Obese Patients

Not only does Cancer occur more in obese, but it is also more difficult to diagnose early. A lump may remain hidden in fat for a long time. The imaging and tests are less reliable in bulky and are less sensitive making it difficult to pick even a moderate size tumor. Severely obese even cannot be accommodated in a standard-size CT scanner. Secondly, it is diagnosed at a more advanced stage, so is difficult to treat, and the surgery becomes riskier and limited in scope for serious obesity. Radiation and chemotherapy likewise are needed in larger doses resulting in more side effects and morbidity.

The Importance of Managing Weight

So it is all the more important to keep weight in check and treat serious obesity early. Bariatric surgery with its long long-lasting and superior results is the best way to lose weight in suitably selected patients. Bariatric surgery`s benefits compound with time and are consistent with lifelong health and happiness.

Obesity Discrimination and Gastric Bypass Surgery

Understanding Obesity Discrimination: Types, Impact, and Effective Solutions

Definition: Obesity Discrimination

Obesity discrimination can be defined in either of several ways, including:
1. The unjust treatment of an overweight or obese person based on bias, or misconception.
2. Ill-treatment of obese people purely because of their weight as compared to non-obese people.

There are mostly four types of discrimination prominently described: Employment, Health Care, Education, and Relationships

Employment Discrimination:

Several studies have shown that obese people find more difficulty in finding a job, are paid lower wages, are discriminated against in promotions, and have more likelihood of early termination.

Healthcare Discrimination:

It is unfortunate that even, doctors and healthcare workers are not immune from obesity discrimination. It is a place where caring, trust, and unbiased treatment should be guaranteed. The problem is, that most of the doctors do not have a sound knowledge of obesity or its treatment.

Physicians spend less time discussing health with obese patients. They are more biased towards technical issues rather than discussing nutrition to patient’s obesity.

Discrimination at Schools:

At schools, discrimination is a bigger concern. It causes emotional distress, as children who are obese are less likely to succeed. It appeared in various studies that young men had a much lower chance of attaining higher education than their normal-weight counterparts. Obesity was also associated with lower educational attainments than normal-weight students.

Discrimination in relationships:

When it comes to finding a romantic partner, obesity appears to play a big role, especially for women. When studied among people, it was found that boys were less interested in looking for obese women.

Effectively Addressing Obesity Discrimination: Tips For All 4 Types Of Discrimination

The ideal solution is obvious: weight loss treatment.

Finding the medically supervised weight loss treatment program composed of the right diet and exercise is the most appropriate first step.

Research has shown diet and exercise programs supervised by a medical professional to be much more effective than doing it alone.

If your body mass index is over 35 which means that you are morbidly obese and attempts at sufficient weight loss, even under a medically supervised program, have yielded no results, you may be a candidate for weight loss surgery or laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery.

It has been proved time and again that bariatric surgery results in sustained weight loss in morbidly obese people. In other words, Bariatric surgery may improve occupational outcomes in morbidly obese individuals by reducing levels of unemployment and absenteeism. The evidence regarding this is limited and studies are needed before any conclusions could be drawn on this aspect. Similarly, there could also be economic, social, and psychological benefits of bariatric surgery which might help in improving relationships among individuals after weight loss.

It is advisable to visit a well-experienced bariatric surgeon as they usually have more knowledge about caring for obese patients, and they also work with doctors who are empathetic toward the difficulties of being obese.
Similarly, the research suggests that an obese child, especially an obese girl, is more likely to succeed in schools where obesity is more common.
If you find that your weight is getting in the way of your romantic relationships, several options may help:

First and foremost: weight loss treatment
• Consider dating partners who are also overweight or obese
• Choose partners who are willing to get to know you as a person before judging you only by your appearance

Consider Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery if you are morbidly obese.
There are certain non-surgical options also available like endoscopic intra-gastric balloons which are available these days to lose weight for overweight people.

These methods are temporary but might result in good outcomes for people who are serious and motivated.

Women’s Health and Gastric Bypass Surgery

The Impact of Obesity on Women’s Health and How Gastric Bypass Surgery Can Help

In recent years obesity among Indian women has increased exponentially. According to the National Family Health Survey, obesity rates double every 10 years in India. Over 16% of women in the country and up to 50% of women in Delhi are overweight or obese. With this growing menace more and more women who conceive also happen to be obese.

A multitude of problems is associated with obesity in women particularly those who are in the reproductive age group. Apart from physical problems, others range from difficult intercourse, symptomatic fibroids, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, PCOD, anovulatory cycles, urinary stress incontinence, and infertility. Again birth defects, difficult labor, increased risk of caesarian section delivery, and cancers like ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, cervical cancer, and breast cancer, are all associated with obesity. There is a very high risk of gestational diabetes mellitus as well as pregnancy-induced hypertension in ladies who are obese.

There are additional risks to babies born to such mothers, such as developmental anomalies, intrauterine deaths, and preterm deliveries. These babies have an increased lifetime risk of developing diabetes and high blood pressure.
Bariatric surgery or Gastric Bypass Surgery has emerged as the most effective treatment option for obesity over the last few decades. Women account for about 83% of bariatric procedures among reproductive age. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy has been the most commonly performed weight loss treatment among women of reproductive age.

In addition to sustained weight loss, there is also resolution or improvement in obesity-related diseases after gastric bypass surgery. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, OSA, fatty liver disease, and joint pains are just a few among them. There is also improvement in fertility, menstrual cycles, and ovulation so much so that infertile obese ladies have conceived normally after weight loss treatment. They give birth to babies with a lower risk of cardiovascular complications or birth defects.

After gastric bypass surgery, pregnancy is better avoided for a minimum of 12 months. As by that time the mother has resumed her normal diet, and she has been allowed to achieve full weight loss. Most importantly, the baby is not exposed to maternal rapid weight loss environment or maternal malnutrition.

Seeking for gastric bypass surgery in Delhi? Consult us at Smart Cliniqs to get answers to your queries from the top bariatric surgeon in Delhi.

Home Care After Bariatric Surgery

Essential Care After Bariatric Surgery: Tips for a Smooth Recovery at Home

Now that you have been discharged from the hospital and have reached home, you might feel relieved but also apprehensive about home care after bariatric surgery. You might worry about whether stitches could break, experience pain at home, or have questions about how much to walk and whether or not to take a bath. These are some helpful points for your guidance.

Wound Care

  • Change the dressings every day, if your doctor tells you to do so. Be sure to change your dressing always whenever it gets dirty or wet.
  • You may have bruising around your wound or redness around the incisions, do not panic, this is normal.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing to prevent rubbing against your incisions.
  • Stitches or staples are usually removed within 7 to 10 days after surgery. some stitches dissolve on their own. Your doctor will tell you if you have them.
  • You can have a shower when advised by your doctor, let the water run over your incision, and do not scrub over the incisions.

Personal hygiene

  • Take a shower not rub the wounds. let only water run on your incisions
  • You can oil massage and wash your hair daily to feel fresh and active
  • Change your clothes daily
  • Clean your skin folds well with soap and water once a day and keep them dry, especially during the rainy season


  • Walk as much as you can, move around, and use stairs at home
  • Do not lift things heavier than 5 to 7 kgs in the initial months
  • Increase your exercise slowly
  • Take short walks
  • Get up and move around if you have some pain in your belly, it may help
  • Do not join the gym until recommended by your doctor.


  • To help recover from surgery and changes in your lifestyle, see your surgeon regularly and other health care providers.
  • The dietitian will teach you to eat correctly with your small stomach.
  • The psychologist can help you deal with the feelings or concerns you may have after surgery.
  • Blood tests are important as recommended by your surgeon, get them done timely to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

When to Call the Doctor

  • Temperature is above 100°F.
  • You have redness, pain, swelling, or bleeding around your incision
  • You have pain that your pain medicine is not helping
  • You have breathing difficulty
  • You cannot eat or drink
  • You are vomiting after eating

These simple precautions will help you tide over the initial difficult time at home after your bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery is the best way to lose weight and regain health.

Infertility in Women and Bariatric Surgery

Improving Infertility in Women with PCOS: The Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Reproductive Health

The relationship between PCOS, obesity and infertility has been documented for many years. Anovulation, miscarriage, impairment in follicle formation and altered activity are the known effects of these. These women also face difficulty in managing diabetes, pre-eclampsia, growth disorders, higher rates of caesarean delivery, higher maternal mortality, and increased children’s risk for metabolic disease in the future.

A considerable weight loss can increase the chances of spontaneous ovulation, which is why the solution – bariatric surgery. This surgery is known to improve both fertility and pregnancy in women with reproductive concerns, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), along with metabolic syndrome (MS).

Bariatric Surgery’s Positive Effect on Women

Bariatric surgery in reproductive-age women has been shown to decrease menstrual irregularities. Women suffering from hormonal imbalance show considerable improvement postoperatively, and chances of conceiving increase after this surgery. Sensitivity to leptin levels increases post-surgery, reflecting improved reproductive metabolic status. Many women (about 10%-25%) with subclinical hypothyroidism, haven also shown a significant improvement following surgical weight loss.

Women already take pregnancy into consideration when electing for bariatric surgery. Nowadays women undergoing surgery are aware of their own reproductive risks and a significant number of these women are thinking ahead.

Studies on Infertility in Women and Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery has attracted the interest of many scholars with more individuals showing improved fertility post-weight loss treatment. An older study implied that a BMI drop greater than 5 kg/m2 was a significant predictor of fertility within 2.5 years of follow-up after surgery. There was also a trend of a reduced need for fertility treatment in women conceiving within 3 years of weight loss surgery compared to their need for fertility treatment prior to surgery. Reports also show previously anovulatory women conceiving post-operatively without ovulation induction agents.

Comparing Pregnancy Outcomes in Women Pre and Post-Bariatric Surgery

A study comparing pregnancy outcomes in women before and after weight loss surgery showed improvements in pregnancy-related hypertension and diabetes mellitus, and a significant drop in caesarean delivery rate too. Moreover, bariatric surgery did not result in increased rates of post-partum haemorrhage, infection, shoulder dystocia or foetal demise.

The benefits of bariatric surgery in women suffering from PCOS with metabolic syndrome are discussed extensively on various platforms, leading in favour of surgery in such cases. Nutritional and vitamin deficiencies in these women during that time frame of rapid weight loss can be dealt with supervised supplementation and regular follow-ups with the surgeon and obstetrician. There were no differences in maternal complications, foetal outcomes or delivery complications, making bariatric surgery a highly recommended solution and one of the best ways to lose weight in morbidly obese people.

The Gulf Obesity Crisis

Gulf Obesity Crises: The Global Health Challenge

Obesity is now the biggest healthcare challenge worldwide, approximately one in three is either obese or overweight. Gulf obesity has particularly surged, overtaking malnutrition and infectious diseases as the world’s no.1 health problem.

Obesity in the Middle East

The problem is even bigger in the Middle East. According to one study, 51 million people in the Gulf are classed as obese. An epidemic indeed. In the same study, Qatar is reported to have the highest incidence of obese men (44 percent) in the Middle East and North Africa region, followed by Kuwait (43 percent) and Bahrain (31 percent), while the prevalence of obesity among women exceeded 50 percent in three Middle Eastern countries; Kuwait (59 percent), Libya (57 percent) and Qatar (55 percent).

Economic Impact of Obesity

Not only does obesity carry serious consequences for people’s health, but it also carries a global cost of $2 trillion, consuming 2.8 percent of the global Gross Domestic Product and demanding approximately 15 percent from the healthcare budgets of developed countries, according to the authors of the McKinsey report.

Researchers have produced the startling forecast that if current obesity rates continue, almost half of the world’s adult population will be overweight or obese by 2030.

Rising Demand for Bariatric Surgery

The demand for bariatric surgery is increasing by 20 percent annually in Gulf countries, however in many cases it is out of necessity rather than choice. Bariatric surgery is proven to reduce the risk of serious health complications associated with obesity such as cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, certain cancers, and perhaps most pressing for the region, type 2 diabetes. According to experts, we must not believe that obesity is not self-inflicted or a lifestyle choice, rather than a critical health issue.

Challenges and Criticism

It is these damaging perceptions that have led to widespread criticism of bariatric surgery, which can cost between $8,000 and $15,000, as many claim that the procedure is becoming a substitute for a lifestyle overhaul. It is from this viewpoint that a serious stigma has emerged.

Economic and Health Benefits

An increase in bariatric procedures could also realize financial savings for governments and healthcare systems alike, as patients who have undergone surgery, are more likely to avoid life-threatening and costly conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, which currently affects approximately one in ten adults in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Youth and Bariatric Surgery in the UAE

More young patients end up undergoing bariatric surgery in the UAE

Doctors advise weight-loss procedures if children have high BMI and other health issues

Obesity Statistics in the UAE

Abu Dhabi: With obesity cases rising in the UAE, more and more younger patients are being recommended for weight-loss surgeries, experts have said.

The surgeries are a last resort in the fight against obesity and its related complications. They are often a better choice than letting children’s health get progressively worse.

Global Obesity Trends

Statistics compiled by regulator Health Authority Abu Dhabi (Haad), indicate that nearly 30 percent of school-going children in Abu Dhabi are overweight or obese and the proportion rises to 40 percent among teenagers. Worldwide obesity has nearly doubled since 1980 and in 2011 more than 40 million children under the age of five were overweight (WHO).

Unless we take some drastic and wide-ranging measures, obesity will soon become the world’s biggest and most expensive health issue ever.

A food for thought, shall we say.

The curse of Overfeeding

The Dangers of Overfeeding: Mohammed’s Journey Through Bariatric Surgery

Mohammed’s Early Years

Mohammed is an 18 year boy from Afghanistan, he is shy, simple, has an easy smile, and is full of life. As a toddler he grew up active and playful, he was 15 kgs when he was 4. Then he steadily started gaining weight. Slowly but relentlessly, he over-grew. At 15 years he was 115 kgs at 5 feet 6. Very very obese indeed. When he came to us 3 years later, he could barely walk, sleep only sitting, sweat all day, and couldn’t speak without losing breath. He had become a giant, he weighed a huge 185 kgs at a BMI of 71.

Understanding the Cause of Obesity: Overfeeding

His tests for genetic or hormonal problem came out normal. We looked into his life history, didn’t have much clue about he being so obese. On further questioning we found that Mohammed was born after eight sisters but he was born normal, a precious male child. Hence he was fed too much with food, love and affection by his doting mother and sisters. We have this gender issue in this part of the world, a male child is the preferred one, he is the natural heir, is supposed to look after parents in old age, and fetch dowry. Hence he was pampered. Initially, he must have resisted but later on, yielded to pressure and temptations of calorie rich sumptuous food. As it happens, his sense of satiety slowly got blunted and he could eat all day without feeling full, a condition known as hyperphagia. He was suffering from what I call the curse of overfeeding.

The Bariatric Surgery Experience

Mohammed underwent a difficult Bariatric surgery, he was kept on ventilator support for the next three days, before he could breath on his own. he made a slow recovery. Our psychologists and nutritionists mean while gave counselling sessions to Mohammed and his mother regarding his feeding and after-care.
Two weeks later they returned home.

A New Beginning

Mohammed did well, 2 months later he had lost 21 kgs , now he could walk without help, and sleep undisturbed.
Five months later he had joined back his elementary school which he had left years ago owing to his crippling obesity. He was well on his way to return to a normal life. Then we lost contact with them.we hope and pray the parents haven’t gone back to their old ways.

The Impact of Misplaced Love

This story of Bariatric surgery is unique, so many times our misplaced love can ruin our children’s life. Our myths and false beliefs, force us to overfeed them. An over weight child is likely to become obese adult, will suffer from premature ageing diabetes hypertension, heart diseases and more.

Guidelines for Preventing Overfeeding

Now how much is good enough for our children, is a contentious issue, but here are some simple rules of thumb. If we follow them we are going do well.

Avoid Overfeeding

There is a natural tendency to overfeed children. We are always worried if we are feeding them enough, so if in doubt stop.

Respect Toddler’s Satiety Signals

Toddlers by and large have a well developed sense of feeling full, and stop as soon as they lose interest in their meal.

Feed on Demand

Feed on demand is the ideal way, like all ideals difficult to follow. But worth pursuing.

Be Mindful of Pre-School Children’s Diet

Pre-school children are at risk of obesity more than ever before. they get bored easily. Do not feed to appease, reward, or pacify your children with snacks. it creates an unhealthy craving for snacks.

Limit Sweets and Chocolates

Give them sweets and chocolate strictly only “once a week”.

Portion Control: Avoid Overfeeding

Don’t push the food around on their plates and don’t force them to finish what you give them. Don’t overfill their plates and ask them to finish every time, instead serve a smaller portion and refill.

What you can hold in your palm is a good enough portion to star with.

Monitor Weight Gain

If your child is gaining weight steadily, her clothes are getting short instead of tight at the waste, bravo !! You have done well.