Precautions After Bariatric Surgery During Covid Times

Continued from the previous blog...

Key Precautions After Bariatric Surgery: Staying Safe During the Pandemic

The Covid epidemic is relentlessly spreading; there is still no respite in sight. We are now the epicentre of this dreadful pandemic, but life has to go on. All the vital surgeries are now increasingly being performed, with similar outcomes as during the pre-Covid times. However, once we have undergone bariatric surgery we need to be more vigilant and adhere to all the precautions after bariatric surgery.

Follow these precautions after Bariatric Surgery

Maintain a strict diet schedule

Take plenty of fluids, and keep yourself well hydrated, at least 1.5 liters per day is the minimum necessary.

Ensure Adequate Protein Intake

Take a good amount of proteins, so that you don’t feel weak and don’t lose your muscles instead of your fat. A good protein diet boosts your immunity against infections including Covid. You should take a minimum of 60 grams of proteins every day i.e. at least 1 gram of proteins for every Kg of your ideal body weight.

Vitamins are Essential

Similarly fill up yourself well with plenty of vitamins, as most obese patients are low in vitamin D and B complex and Vitamin C. These vitamins are particularly essential to boost immunity.

Maintain a Regular Exercise Routine

Since you may not be able to exercise outdoors, you must maintain a regular indoor daily exercise routine, it may not be advisable to join a gym, especially during the first 4 weeks after the operation.

Monitor Your Temperature

Keep a watch on your temperature, a mild rise that is 99° F or 100° F can be due to the normal response of the body to surgery. But anything above this range should be immediately brought to the notice of the surgical team.

Follow Up Regularly

Finally do follow up with regular Phone, or video consult unless a physical check-up is indicated. Do keep your surgical team regularly updated with your blood sugar, Spo2, Blood pressure, urine output, temperature, fluid intake, or other parameters if indicated.

Need more tips for precautions after bariatric surgery? Speak with the best bariatric surgeon in Delhi at Smart Cliniqs.