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Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD):

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is the flow back or return of gastric contents with acid, back into the esophagus (Food Pipe).

What are the causes of GERD?

Several factors may increase the tendency of acid reflux into the food pipe (esophagus).

  • Hiatus Hernia
  • Pregnancy
  • Smoking
  • Acid reflux foods like carbonated beverages, tea coffee, mint, fatty foods, citrus foods, spicy foods
  • Obesity.
  • Eating heavy meals immediately before going to bed
  • Certain drugs like aspirin and other pain killers and medications for blood pressure

What are the symptoms of GERD?

  • A burning sensation with heaviness in the chest following a meal, more commonly fatty meal.
  • Regurgitation of acid in the mouth.
  • Difficulty in swallowing.
  • Chronic cough.
  • Disrupted sleep.
  • Infection in the lungs.

*Long term GERD can lead to cancer of the esophagus (food pipe).

What is Hiatus Hernia?

Hiatus is an opening in the diaphragm through which food pipe enters and meets the stomach. Diaphragm is a muscular wall separating the abdomen from the chest.

Hiatus Hernia a condition in which stomach is either pulled into the chest or goes through this opening into the chest.

Symptoms include, chest pain due to acid regurgitation. This pain is similar to the pain of heart attack. This acid regurgitation might lead to cancer of the esophagus.

What is the treatment of Hiatus Hernia and GERD?

GERD initially is treated with certain medication however certain people with require surgical intervention.

Laparoscopic Nissen’s Fundoplication:

Fundoplication is surgery which is done for treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) Disease as well as Hiatus Hernia.

The main indications are:

  • Patients who are not relieved by medical management of acid reflux problem
  • Those who have long term symptoms
  • There are complications of acid reflux
  • Young patients who don’t want to be on long term medications for Gastroesophageal Reflux

Previously with open Fundoplication, there were big incisions which were so painful that patients had to stay in hospital for 7 days.

Now with Laparoscopic Surgery, there are only 3 small holes with no bandages or drains.The hospital stay is usually just for a day or two and leaves no ugly scars!

Phase I Clear Liquid Diet
  • Only clear liquids allowed
  • Avoid sweetened beverages
  • Sip very slowly
  • No straws
  • Avoid caffeinated, carbonated and alcoholic beverages
  • STOP drinking if you feel fullness, pain or discomfort
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