Addressing the Growing Concern of Obesity in Metros: Causes and Implications
Obesity is a medical condition when a person carries excessive weight. It increases the risk of various non-communicable diseases like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, etc. For weight maintenance, energy intake should be equal to energy expenditure. Imbalance leads to underweight and obesity.
Adults residing in Metropolitan cities are increasingly becoming obese. Even Childhood obesity is also emerging as a major health concern in metros. The reasons being excess consumption of calorie-dense fast food, processed food, ready-to-eat food, etc. Portion sizes that fast food restaurants offer contribute to excessive energy intake. As most of the fast foods are made of refined cereals, fat, and sugar. There is a drastic decrease in energy expenditure owing to reduced physical activity as people use motorized means of transport and spend most of their awake time sitting glued to Television, mobile phones, and Laptops. The present work culture in the corporate and public sectors is also responsible for obesity in adults. Long working hours, late night shifts, sitting jobs, sleep deprivation, excessive tea and coffee consumption, and unhealthy snacking in offices predispose obesity.
Obesity surgery in India is being performed to facilitate weight loss in children and adults when non-surgical treatment strategies fail. Although GI surgeons and general surgeons in India are performing obesity surgery specially trained bariatric surgeons are now available. Bariatric surgery is growing as a specialty in itself. as surgery constitutes only a small part in overall management. A fully equipped, and well-staffed department is a must for the dedicated follow up which is so essential for good outcomes. A dedicated high-volume Bariatric surgery unit in a tertiary care hospital is your best bet if you are seeking bariatric surgery.
Are you Seeking obesity surgery in Delhi or want to more about obesity in metros? Consult with us today at Smart Cliniqs!